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Meet Our PADI Dive Instructors & PADI Dive Masters


Andres De Plaza

Andres De Plaza


Un veterano de la zona originario de Bogotá, Colombia. Acogido en Taganga como un lugareño hace más de 30 años. Desde una edad bien temprana ya impartía planes de buceo y snorkel por Playa Grande y el Tayrona.   Instructor, capitán, mecánico, vendedor…entre muchas de las cosas que hace. Con un gran don de gentes, te ayudará a que tu estancia en Santa Marta sea una experiencia que jamás olvidarás.

Victor Twose

Victor Twose


Born in Barcelona, ​​Spain. Years ago he arrived in Colombia performing one of his great passions, Traveling the world. In this case Colombia captivated him and made Santa Marta his base. Coming from the world of education and pedagogy and passionate about sports activities and nature. Instructor, captain and photographer among some of the activities he performs.

Javier Gonzalez

Javier Gonzalez


Born in Santa Marta, we met “Javi”, a young man full of energy, good humor and a lot of patience, he will make your diving teaching a lot of fun. Organized and eloquent, he has been a PADI instructor for many years, even at his young age he is already an experienced instructor. His passion is obviously diving, as well as sharing good times with family and friends.

César Monsalve

César Monsalve


Cesar started in the world of diving at a very young age, his whole family dives regularly. He comes from Bogotá, but Santa Marta is his home. He is a PADI instructor full of patience to teach, very well organized and always in a good mood, he is passionate about diving and is an instructor of diving specialties and enjoys telling anecdotes on the boat during the journey. He is also a black belt in taekwondo.

José David Camacho

José David Camacho


With a great teaching methodology and a great facility for communication, Camacho is an instructor really organized. He will make you have a great time underwater. Born in Bogotá and a lover of the sea, he will surely tell you many stories of experiences that he has had.

Carolina Santoya

Carolina Santoya


With great energy, charismatic and very easy to communicate. It will help you plan your diving activities effectively. Carolina is passionate about the sea, nature in general, sports and salsa. so do not be surprised to see her either in the gym, in Minca or in a bar dancing salsa

Benjamin  Arevalo

Benjamin Arevalo


Our principal “Capi” is a person who knows these waters since he was a child. He has always lived in Taganga and Santa Marta. Meet all the dive sites of the Tayrona by sea, even the least known, where to find currents, sunken ships and the best reefs of the Tayrona. In addition, he has a great knowledge of boats, engines and everything that involves boat navigation. When he is not on the boat, they will surely see him riding on the mountain bike through the Sierra Nevada, Minca and the natural landscapes near Santa Marta.


Oscar Rivera

Oscar Rivera


Most popularly recognized as “Merilo” is a man 100% sea, lives by and for the sea. Originally from Santa Marta, Colombia, he has always lived in the Caribbean waters that surround Tayrona. The sea is his home and he knows it as such, with respect and admiration. Merilo is a great artisanal fisherman. The area of ​​Isla Aguja and Bahía Concha is where they will find him sharing his time with the Caribbean Sea.

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